Sunday, 8 September 2013


Prayer Intention for the Month:
We pray that international bodies and foreign donors may respect African traditional family values.

“Speak Lord, your servant is listening
Getting treasures by a lying tongue  is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death. (Prov 21:6)
The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor….. (Prov 11:9)
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight (Prov. 12:22)
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. (Eph 4:29)


Today, many of us are familiar with the phrase “sexual and reproductive health and rights” propagated by women’s liberation movements (variously called “the women’s movements”, “women’s rights movements”, or the feminist movements).  The movements have gained international recognition with their agitation or struggle for women’s emancipation.   However, some of the women’s demands through “sexual and reproductive health and rights” advocacy are laudable, while a number of them are quite controversial and morally questionable. For instance, their versions of “right to family planning services”, “right to sexual health”, “right to reproductive health”, “right to sex education”, and their advocacy for the “right to consensual sexual relations”, “right to sexual pleasure”, “right to free and responsible reproductive choices”, and the like have deeper connotations that have serious moral implications.  Thus, the phrase “sexual and reproductive health and rights” coined by these feminists and endorsed by international bodies is apparently positive at face value, but is largely negative in its interpretation or description of women’s reproductive health services.  Through this advocacy too, these feminist groups defend the “reproductive rights” of those outside normal heterosexual relationships: the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals or intersex people (LGBT) since women are also found among this group of people.  The advocacy targets adolescents as well thereby defending their so-called “sexual and reproductive health and rights.”    There is urgent need, therefore, to dig into these ambiguities, to decode these euphemisms, and to present to Africans the real issues involved in this propaganda and their moral implications for their traditional and Christian life. This is very important as the claim to these “rights” negate the proper understanding of human sexuality, the dignity and sanctity of human life, especially life at its beginning.  They also touch on marriage and human procreation, the family, and other Christian values.  The investigation is necessary since the use of the sugar-coated phrase, “sexual and reproductive health and rights”, amounts to a deliberate attempt to hide their real hidden agenda. 

 Semantic Corruption of Reality
The advocates of “sexual and reproductive health rights” are very proficient and efficient in distorting reality so as to make their advocacy palatable and acceptable.   They employ semantic corruption.  Experts such as William Brennan, the author of Dehumanizing the Vulnerable: When Word Games Take Lives   and George Orwell, an English essayist and novelist,  in his work, 1984    detailed the effects of word manipulation to achieve the manipulator’s aim.  I will dwell largely on their insights in this subsection. William Brennan emphasizes that behind some linguistic derision is a kind of ideology; that is, a philosophy, a social theory, a set of interrelated ideas, concepts, beliefs, and values that generate and sustain the dissemination of such a terminology.  Accordingly, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s keener insight into the significance of ideology is highly revelatory.  He writes:

Ideology – that is what gives evil-doing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.  That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honour. Thanks to ideology; the twentieth century was fated to experience evil-doing on a scale calculated in the millions.

Contemporary ideology remains largely characterised by the manipulative use of language as a resource. It uses words to indicate things that are foreign to their natural meaning.  This is what is commonly referred to as “verbal engineering” or “manipulation of language”.   Verbal engineering is the “the conscious effort to change the way in which reality is perceived through the way in which reality is depicted and as a consequence introduces changes in the ways persons behave.” In other words, the object of verbal engineering is to carefully manipulate public opinion to produce behavioural changes.  The place of authentic reality is taken over by a fictitious reality; the perception is indeed still directed toward an object, but now it is a pseudo-reality, deceptively real, so that it becomes almost impossible to discern the truth.  Verbal engineering normally is achieved through a subtle manipulation of words – words that traditionally had a positive meaning are given other meanings or shades of meanings.  To change social attitudes, therefore, frequently euphemistic language is used that tries to obscure reality. The power of language, therefore, to colour one’s view of reality is profound.
  In many instances, the most significant factor in determining how an object will be perceived is not the nature of the object itself, but the words employed to characterize it.  William Brennan gives examples that show how Native Americans, African Americans, Soviet enemies, European Jews, women, unwanted children, and physically challenged persons have been labeled as “deficient humans”, “nonhumans”, “animals”, parasites/diseases”, “inanimate objects”, “waste products”, and “non-persons”. Verbal engineering and manipulation evidently clear in these cases, can be said to be the violation of the most basic human dignity, because the members of society against whom this procedure of dehumanization is used are no longer treated as human beings, but as objects to be manipulated, to be dominated afterwards, to be “handled” and controlled, and even killed.  This semantics of oppression led to the death of millions of Jews, and the massacre of millions and millions of unborn babies to date.  Those who control language control thought, and eventually semantic corruption leads to the adulteration of thought itself.   It is also profoundly immoral because it is planned deception of those made to accept the labels as true.

Semantic Distortion in “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” Advocacy
Linguistic gymnastics, as underlined above, have slipped into international gatherings and influence decision makers and those who propose programmes of action. The implication of this is that to understand or decode the full imports of words employed by these feminist movements in their indoctrination of peoples, or the full imports of documents emanating from United Nations Conferences and Assemblies as well as national policies written with “external assistance”, it requires some knowledge of “UN Speak” and “feminist Speak”. The knowledge is particularly necessary for understanding such terms as “sexual and reproductive rights” “freedom of sexual expression”, “reproductive rights”, “sexual rights”, “reproductive healthcare and services”, “reproductive health services”, “family planning services”, “family life education”, “adolescent sexual and reproductive rights”, “gender equality or equity”, “safe or safer sex”, “safe abortion”, “enforced pregnancy”, “consensual sexual relations”, “sexual identity”, and so on.  What really do the proponents of these terms mean by them?
 Verbal engineering is also blatant in other terms related to “sexual and reproductive health and rights” advocacy. For example, “abortion” is called by different names mainly out of a desire to hide the truth about the nature of abortion itself - killing.  In various international documents, it is defined as a ‘right’ and/or a “choice”: “right to the freedom of choice”, “right to the free choice of pregnancy”, “right to interruption of pregnancy”, “right to the free choice of the interruption of pregnancy”, “right to choose to terminate pregnancy”. Other terminologies include:  “right to make personal decisions”, “ right to integrity of the person”, by including the period of pregnancy in it; “right to freedom from motherhood”, right to “control one’s own body”, “right to choose”, “pro-choice”, “reproductive choice”.  These are euphemistically employed to mean abortion.  An abortion clinic is frequently described as “reproductive health center”.   These terms are freely scattered in various UN documents and feminist literature.
The foregoing is just an attempt to uncover the real issues in the “sexual and reproductive health and rights” advocacy prevalent in the world today.  It is a euphemistic way of propagating abortion, contraception and sterilization. In order words, sexual and reproductive health and rights means abortion, contraception and sterilization.  It is a means employed to depopulate mainly the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America by the rich western nations of North America and western Europe.  This advocacy is the greatest lie told these poor nations in centuries.  The “big brother” lures these poor countries into killing their own children in millions while pretending to improve their health.

The Maputo Protocol and the Word Games
In Africa, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) spearheads “sexual and reproductive health and rights” advocacy.  UNFPA is heavily influenced by feminists groups, World Bank, multi-national corporations, foreign donor organisations, and anti-life groups such as Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and Marie Stopes International (MSI).  There is hardly any African country without the presence of IPPF or MSI or both. These groups, (as we shall see) saw to the emergence of a very dangerous “gift” to Africa – The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (The Maputo Protocol).
Human Life International, a renowned pro-life organisation, provides an insightful summary of this document.  It says that the Maputo Protocol was drafted by an expert group of members of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, African NGOs (of course, influenced and funded by foreign donors who promote abortion), and international observers including the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ).  The values of these groups are not African in any way, shape or form. So, how could they have the good of Africa at heart?  For instance, IPPF, the largest abortion-promoting organisation in the world,   has no regard for national or local traditions and customs in its efforts to legalise abortion worldwide.  It has stated in its VISION 2000 Strategic Plans that the objective of its affiliated organisations is to campaign for policy and legislative change to remove restrictions against safe abortions. Its Vision 2020 reiterates the same objective, making sexual and reproductive health advocacy central to that vision ( Since the people never want abortion, IPPF and other pro-abortion     groups must resort to deception. The Maputo Protocol is the ideal instrument to legalise abortion all over Africa. The Protocol allegedly is an instrument to fight female genital mutilation (FGM), but in all of its 23 pages, it mentions FGM (female genital mutilation) in only one sentence.  Thus, it appears to be a gift to the African people — but is actually another thing which is far deadlier (
Those behind this dangerous treaty cajoled African Union into adopting the killing of their unborn children and many African nations have either signed or/and ratified it.  Following this deceptive document, South Africa and Cape Verde have already legalised abortion in their countries.  Maputo Protocol practically promotes abortion on demand and presents contraception as sine qua non for African women’s health and survival.  Article 14 of the Protocol practically endorses abortion, authorising “medicalised abortion” for women who have been raped or where pregnancy endangers the woman's health. The Protocol was praised as being the first international document that provides a legal framework for issues ranging from marriage and property rights to domestic violence to female genital mutilation. 
                  As usual, the treaty mixes up values and disvalues.  The disvalues are craftily drafted to make them readily acceptable as values. To stop domestic violence, female mutilation, (if it is really a mutilation), or to let women have political or property rights are laudable, but what about “reproductive rights”?  What is entailed in this phrase, (as we have already emphasised) is more than meets the eye. It is a coded language that needs to be decoded. Why should Africa be the first to provide such a law that allows the killing of its babies, while western nations with their long history of human laws are yet so sign such a law? Yet, Africans are made to be that the ‘big brother’s interest is the health of their women and girls. How many of those who signed the Maputo Protocol really understood the semantic distortion in it?  Were they even allowed to make contributions or to study the Protocol before appending their signatures?  It was drafted in far away west and presented to African leaders as a Trojan gift.  This year, 2013, marks the tenth anniversary of the initiation of deliberate killing of African unborn children through the murderous programmes of IPPF and MSI in various parts of Africa.   Of course, the number of African children killed within this period undoubtedly runs into millions.  The Protocol is an assault on African family and values – a continent generally known as “a continent of families”.

Education is Necessary to Understand the Language of “Externally Assisted” Policies and Bills
It is high time African leaders learnt the language of policies and bills they adopt or sign into law in their various countries, especially, in “sexual and reproductive health” propaganda.  Before signing any policy or bills drafted with “external assistance” coming from these world bodies, these leaders should seek to thoroughly study the documents by inviting relevant stakeholders in the government, experts, and the private sector.  Private sectors here include faith-based organisations that could be described as the watchdogs of the society.  Those African countries that are yet to ratify the Protocol have the opportunity to look closely into the real issues in this deceptive document.  Particularly, if Rochas Okorocha, the Imo State governor (Nigeria) had studied the bill presented to him as stated above, he would not have signed into law a Bill that authorizes the killing of the unborn citizen's of his State. Fortunately, he has learnt his lessons and has recently retraced his steps, directing the relevant Office to abrogate the dangerous sections of the Bill. (

         The word games are central to the “sexual and reproductive health” advocacy and its power in changing patterns of thought and behaviour is enormous.  Awareness of the semantic abuse and this form of thought control should allow us, the Africans, to resist the advocacy through constant process of presenting the eternal truth in a clear and organic fashion. The truth shall set us free, indeed. Africa loves life. Africa is a continent of families.  Anybody or group that destroys the African family is her greatest enemy and can NEVER be allowed to triumph.

For Personal Reflection:
Do African women really need the so-called “reproductive health” programmes?
Who actually benefit from these “programmes”?
·         Pharmaceutical companies?
·         Pro-abortion Organisations?
·         Manufacturers of medical equipment?
·         Medical doctors, nurses, biologists, and other related scientists?
Foreign donors are more interested in contraception and abortion in Africa than in the deadly diseases of malaria, HIV/AIDS, or malnutrition. True?

Many industries and peoples must push their deadly products/programmes to Africa, otherwise they risk staying out of business.  True?

“We would like to draw the attention of the political leaders of Africa to our strong reservations concerning some aspects of Article 14 of the Maputo Protocol.…We observe that the rights of women to protect and promote their sexual and reproductive health in this article exclude the rights of the couple, the family and the larger society (civil, traditional, cultural and religious) from playing a part in promoting precisely the women’s rights to their health care. For instance, the authorization to have recourse to abortion and the choice of any method of contraception by the women (cf. Article 14, # 1, c and # 2, c) are particularly incompatible with our Catholic Church teaching, tradition and practice…. Additionally, the Church has continually affirmed since the first century that it is a moral evil for any person or agent to procure an abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable…. In the light of this, we observe that abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes to almost all of our African cultures, traditional societies and religions.”
                                                  (Joint Statement by African Bishops)

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